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Player Auction (Bid)Player Auction Player AuctionPlayer Auction Sell NBA MT(Sell to Us)
1. Player Auction(BID) is more convenient. No matter how much you buy. only need list one card. (To be safer.Pleaer choose the Purple Card: over lvl95)
2. The auction duration time need list for 4 hours.
3. It is best to use random numbers as starting bid price . For example. using 99,700 instead of 100,000 , it will help improve the delivery speed.
4 Please list up the player card before you pay.and upload the correct images as much as possible.
Amount Price  
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 500K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 800K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 1000K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 2000K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 3000K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 4000K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 5000K
1. Please try to choose the Purple or OVR 90+ player cards.
2. to ensure that duration auction as accurate as possible , the best time is greater than 24 hours.
3. starting bid using random prices, for example, using 32,700 instead of 30,000 will help improve the delivery speed.
4. please complete the payment as soon as possible after fill right the transaction information to ensure that the time is correct you enter.
5. Please list up the player card before you pay.
Amount Price  
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 100K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 200K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 300K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 400K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 500K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 700K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 800K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 900K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 1000K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 1500K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 1800K
NBA2K23 PS4/PS5 MT 2000K

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